What Does Value Mean To You?

by | Sep 22, 2022

You comment,  ”I see the value” but don’t take action?

Average performers tend to believe once you have acquired the necessary knowledge to do the job it is no longer important to continue education or learning.

Great people are the busiest people in business they all search for the most effective and efficient methods of learning, while most amateurs probably consider reading and learning to be of no value. But for professionals they are studying like a scientist and benefiting from the wisdom of great people, so what’s the difference between amateurs and professionals it’s simple amateurs don’t take action, they don’t execute and results are a hit and miss. Could you write your own ticket to success, can you see the value in being a professional performer, let’s start improving your performance and lets go 20 times deeper to win beyond the arena.

But you say Sheena” I have tried, it’s difficult, it’s a challenge, I get fed up”

What I hear! Is this familiar?

Because unless it’s a priority and you see the outcome and the results from the value provided, why would you take action?

You see value in exercising but don’t see the value in a program to help you get to your goal.

You see the value in eating “healthy” food, but you don’t see the value in buying organic beef and free-range eggs because they are more expensive.

You see the value in hiring a coach to keep you accountable but don’t see the value in having to pay someone to talk to every week because you feel like you should be able to do it yourself.

You see the value in reading a self-help book but can’t find the time to sit down, read it and learn from it.

You see the value in therapy but can’t be bothered explaining to someone again all your issues and have to relive those feelings.

You see the value in something, but it’s a choice to take action, the action steps necessary to produce the courage so you can get to where you want to be in life.

You learn on the path of taking action, by moving forward in life and actually doing the things you know are valuable to produce the most effective outcome.

There is a difference between seeing the value in something and taking action because you know it’s valuable.

Today: Have a goal in mind, seek the outcome, create the action steps to get you there and lastly, seek the true value in each action step you take.

Ask The Expert

Challenges speakers have shared:

  • How can I maintain the audience’s attention throughout my presentation?”
  • They only listen for a few minutes, then seem disinterested.
  • They seem to have short concentration spans
  • People sit and use their phones
  • Another is looking out the window.
  • A third one is writing something, and I don’t think she is taking notes on my speech.
  • With exasperation, they ask?
  • Do you have any strategies that will increase the attention span of my audiences?

    Three credibility tips 

  • Open your presentation with a bang- a fact – a statement, a story
  • Have compelling original content.
  • Share a topic the audience will learn and engage with and leave with a call to ac

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About Sheena


Web site www.sheenawalker.com

Email sheena@sheenawalker.com

©Sheena Walker





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