Reach New Levels of Excellence as a Professional

Performance By Design Reach New Levels of Excellence Are you the CEO, Manager, or an Elite Business Professional? Achieving your desired results fast is possible with The Champion’s Academy Sheena Walker, B.A. uses established business techniques to transform your...

Reasons Why Customers Don’t Choose You

Performance By Design Why Customers Don’t Choose You Have you ever wondered how to use your knowledge and expertise to position yourself in such a way as to attract more customers and become a leader of choice in your industry? Have you thought does my organisation...

Dare To Be Different

To Lead a Giant Life starts with Giant Class Thinking What class do you operate at? Perhaps right now you operate at Economy class thinking; you know the basics in your industry, but for many that is limiting as they struggle with understanding the foundation of...

What Does Value Mean To You?

You comment,  ”I see the value” but don’t take action? Average performers tend to believe once you have acquired the necessary knowledge to do the job it is no longer important to continue education or learning. Great people are the busiest people in business...

Does your Class Allow You to Go the Extra Mile?

You might be surprised to know I have a Ferrari in my lounge… Every morning my Ferrari reminds me of when I stood on the track at Monza, the home of Ferrari in Milan. I reflected on how I could hit the metrics of performance like a Ferrari driver. When you think of...